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GoFit Medicine Ball (8 lbs; Black and Red) - Black, Red - Rubber

GoFit Medicine Ball (8 lbs; Black and Red) - Black, Red - Rubber


Regular price $36.33 USD
Regular price Sale price $36.33 USD
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Medicine Ball workouts are a throwback method of training that is being rediscovered by athletes and fitness experts everywhere. In this age of high-tech equipment, this black and red, 8 lb. medicine ball is very simplistic, yet incredibly effective in training the whole body through a complete range of motion. Medicine balls build core trunk strength and joint integrity. The trunk is generally the weakest link. All sports trainers now recognize core strength training as the logical starting point for an effective training program. Joint integrity is the other vital benefit of Medicine Ball training. Often athletes over strengthen muscles at the expense of joint strength and no matter how strong your muscles are you are only functionally as strong as your joints. You see this often in injuries to shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. Medicine Ball training is designed to strengthen these areas and allows you to more fully access your muscle strength. You also become more resistant to injuries. The medicine ball provides resistance through a full range of motion to abdominal exercises. This means you will be able to keep the abdominal muscles fully loaded with resistance through all planes of movement. By keeping your abdominals fully loaded through a full range of motion, you will develop your abdominals in a much faster period of time. As mentioned above, this is also part of developing your core trunk strength, which will give you more explosive power that equates to huge golf swings, booming tennis serves.

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